

Adult Day Services (ADS)

CBA’s Day Programs have accommodating schedules and provides support and community inclusion programs focusing on the individual’s desire to explore, learn, and participate within their communities. CBA’s experienced, creative, and caring Direct Support Professional strives on providing person-centered approaches to help our individuals reach their optimal goals; enhancing life skills and independence.


Transporting individual to and from work and programs throughout multiple counties. Our respectful, reliable drivers understand that great “customers service” in a safe driving environment is key to this position and they are committed to providing world-class service to each individual we transport! 


Our experienced and reliable Direct Support Professional will ensure individuals are supported and safely moving towards greater independence. Meal planning, cooking, chores, safety, community awareness/participation, hygiene, health, money management, self-advocacy, and relationship building are just some of the many supports and skill-building areas we will help our individuals develop and maintain.

Respite is available to ensuring the appropriate supports are in place and helps to maintain the safety and welfare of an individual during crisis or temporary housing needs. 


This program works with local businesses to create bridges that provide the individuals attending our program a great opportunity to build independence, through hands-on training and developing skills that could lead to volunteer work or competitive integrated community employment in jobs that match the individual’s interests, strengths, priorities, and abilities. Our staff provides enriched and motivating environments that foster confidence and improve the quality of life for all individuals we serve.


This program creates a bridge for students graduating from high school to have, as much as possible, a seamless transition into the workforce or into an Adult Day program. Once in our program, students can either explore, learn, and participate in our ADS program through music, arts and crafts, learning life and social skills, or going into the community. Or students can explore, learn, and participate in our VOC HAB program where the goal is to support, guide, and equip students in obtaining and maintaining suitable integrated employment with local businesses according to the student’s preferences, interests, needs, and strengths (PINS). This is accomplished while achieving independence in daily living. 


This program provides services for students outside of their regular school year. Individuals will learn, play, create, explore, develop, and meet new friends.


  • Our team develops a systematic plan of instruction and support that includes job task analyses to prepare the individual for competitive employment.   
  • In our Vocational Habilitation Setting, our team of Direct Staff Professionals (DSP) and Job Coaches (JC) assist the individuals to perform activities built around the job task that results in increasing his/her ability to perform tasks and social integration with other persons employed at the worksite.  
  • Providing support and training that assist the individual with problem-solving, meeting job-related expectations, and learning new work skills.  
  • Our Transportation Operators (TO) will transport the individuals and CBA staff to and from the work site.  
  • A JC will stay at the worksite to provide ongoing support which includes direct supervision and guidance. 


To receive services, call 216-905-2149 and we will guide you through the enrollment process.